Outside of China, pandas are only found in these 5 zoos around the world

1. Ueno Zoo, Tokyo, Japan


Since 1972 Ueno Zoo in Tokyo has been a refuge for the giant pandas. The pandas that live here are so famous that they have their masses of thousands of visitors in the zoo. Last year I distinctly remember the excitement that immediately swept through Japan when a panda cub was born here. It was a kind of national news!!


2. Zoo Atlanta, Georgia, USA


From 1999, Zoo Atlanta has been part of the giant panda conservation mission. Their sweet panda trend has been quite a success among those that have been borne by wild mothers in the past. To me, it is fascinating to witness how they are able to balance fun with the education part and thus go on to teach their visitors so much about pandas as well as their conservation.


3. Schönbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria


As the oldest zoo in Europe, Schönbrunn has a great history, and the panda exhibition is its main attraction. The zoo received its first panda in 2003, and after that, they have had many successful live births. It is the first time that I get out into my bucket list and hop over to the ancient zoo to take another glance at their newborn baby


4. Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland, UK


In 2011 Edinburgh Zoo joined the exclusive group when they got four giant pandas from China. These  became a matter of National importance in the UK when they arrived.So exciting were the events that I still recall how the presschools followed them for weeks!


5. Pairi Daiza, Brugelette, Belgium


The most recent newcomer to this elite club, Pairi Daiza, was in the year 2014 when they acquired pandas. What is interesting about the zoo is its unique design of an animal enclosure to provide a friendly environment, similar to the panda natural habitat.


The Importance of These Zoos


Since these five zoos play an essential role in panda saving projects, they are also the common grounds where all the five endangered animals are found. Moreover, they are also involved in breeding programs and researches. Not to mention, they serve as envoys educating millions of visitors on the worthiness of animal conservation.




By having giant pandas in these five different places outside China, it shows a good example of countries’ cooperation in saving a species. It is reassuring to observe how deftly these organizations are collaborating towards maintaining the population of this emblematic species. If you happen to lot in one of those locations, do drop by, they are more affordable. The possibility of sitting in a panda outside of China is very extraordinary and worthy!!!

Pandas in Zoos Outside China


Q1: Which five zoos outside of China have pandas?


A1: The pandas can be found at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, Zoo Atlanta in Georgia, USA, Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland, UK, and Pairi Daiza in Brugelette, Belgium.


Q2: Why are pandas only found in these five zoos outside of China?


A2: They are only available in these five zoos when we look at the limitation of how many zoos exist outside China. Therefore, it is panda conservation that is taking place in them, and all the panda research is done both by Chinese and foreign scientists.


Q3: Can these zoos breed pandas?


A3: These zoos are indeed breeding pandas to help with the protection of these species.


Q4: How long have these zoos had pandas?


A4: The first panda arrival at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan was in 1972, whereas the most recent pair of cubs delivered by Pairi Daiza was in 2004.


Q5: Do these pandas belong to the zoos?


A5: The ownership of pandas is still by the People’s Republic of China, and they are on loan to these zoos as a means of engaging the public in the global issue of panda extinction/orderly repopulation of them.


Q6: What’s the purpose of having pandas in these zoos?


A6: The Zoos are engaged in the protection of pandas, performing research, taking an active stand in communicating to people the message of panda protection and giving them the chance to watch the pandas outside China.


Q7: Are there plans to expand panda presence to more zoos?


A7: I am sorry, but I do not know the detailed resolution of the expansion process. Significantly such a decision would demand discussion between China and the participating countries to which these animals may be prescribed.


Q8: How do these zoos ensure proper care for the pandas?


A8: Pandas get the special care of the staff and uses of the equipment, thanks to there being many specialized facilities and people trained specifically for panda care in those zoos. They are also getting assistance from Chinese experts who in turn see to it that the pandas’ nutrition habitat, and other medical issues are properly taken care of.


Q9: Can visitors interact with the pandas at these zoos?


A9: The animals are given time to rest and get accustomed to the human presence. However, they are observed from the distance so as not to stress the animals.


Q10: What happens to cubs born in these zoos?


A10: Cubs born at these zoos occasionally get to stay some years before taken and joining breeding projects in China based on agreements with the Chinese government.

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